Tuesday, March 17, 2009

360 kms = 11 hours of driving and sightseeing

Our new Orbost Rotary friends took us on a driving tour of Errinudra National Park, Snowy River National Park and the Buchan Caves.

At Errinudra National Park we went for a Rainforest Walk, the weather did not disappoint as it rained. Here we are standing in front of one of the spectacular trees.

We had a great time stopping for lunch at one of the most remote schools in Australia. Tubbut School has only 4 students!! We joined in their St.Patricks day celebration with green coloured fruit cake!! They have a great school with lots of resources and the kids were very excited to show us all the work they had done!!

It was a good thing we didn't meet too many cars along the way because they really don't have anywhere to go!! The road is only really made for one and the cliff is close!

MacKillop Bridge was our next stop. The road portion is made of wood and I must say I think some of them need replacing!!!! You can see the water through the wood planks from the Snowy River rushing below. The water rises to only about 20 feet below the road at different times of the year.

Little River Gorge is the deepest gorge in Victoria; being 4 km long and over 500 feet deep.

We finished up the day the Buchan Caves with a tour around the facilities; seeing lots of Kangaroos.

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