Monday, December 22, 2008

December Planning Meetings

Despite the busy holiday season, we have squeezed in a few hyper-productive meetings to keep things moving along. The team has made great progress on our presentation, organizing printed materials and begun assembling our team outfits. 

We started the month trekking to Guelph and enjoyed Carolyn's hospitality for a Sunday meeting. After some lively discussions and a quality lunch, we embarked on a road trip to Stone Road mall... Chapters staff will not soon forget us but we are pleased to have begun assembling our GSE Thank you gifts for the Australians! 

Later in December we met at Chris's for dinner (and a meeting) and continued refining our presentation. Chris has acquired a great video intro for the presentation which will take our audience from coast to coast in 2 minutes.  

Chris models the latest GSE outfit- looking good!

Carolyn's Dog ensured security at the meeting

The Ladies working hard at Carolyn's

Dinner at Chris's prior to our December 17 meeting

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Our Zone Training Weekend

Seven GSE teams from within Canada and parts of the USA got together in Toronto for a training session. We were joined by a Rotary Peace Scholar and a number of Ambassadorial Scholars so it was a large group. The included groups from Districts 7790, 7090, 7070, 6330, 7010 and 7080.

We leant a lot about Rotary and the GSE process. We were luck yo have Rebecca Crall from RI in Evaston come up and spend some time with us. The event was organised by Roger and Joan Haywood and they created a fun weekend packed full of sessions which ran perfectly to time. We came away better prepared for our GSE trip to Australia.

Our GSE tream posing with DG elect Bob